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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Reflections on Swami Satprakashananda's Reminiscence of Maharaj, part 1

By Br. Aadi

Swami Satprakashananda was exposed to Ramakrishna Mission's ideals from a young age. Then he was called Harish, and the desire kindled in him to meet the living beings from whom these ideals emanated. He went to the field of the Lila and first saw Holy Mother and M. A day or two later, he went to Belur Math to see Maharaj, a.k.a. Swami Brahmananda. When Swamis Prabhavananda and Akhilananda first went to Belur Math, Maharaj was the very first person that they saw. Young Harish had the same luck but said that he would have taken this auspicious event as a mere coincidence if not for having heard that those two had the same experience. 

Harish saw Maharaj irregularly for the next few years; whenever he was at Belur Math, Maharaj happened to be away. During that time Harish became close with Swami Premananda. One day at Dacca, Swami Premananda introduced him to Maharaj, saying that this boy is trying to secure a plot of land for the mission. Maharaj said that he knows this boy from a few years back.  He asked Harish if he could find a place for us. Harish initially thought about the land that he was trying to secure and, a bit confused, replied "It is all for you, Maharaj." Thinking back later, he saw the hidden and more real meaning of Maharaj's question. It's not that Maharaj wasn't asking about the land, but that more importantly he was asking if Harish could find a place in his heart for the Divine presence. Maharaj's words often had a deeper meaning that would only be revealed some time afterwards.

There is a hidden and more real meaning to every experience. One thought may identify the sense organs as the source of joy. Another thought may identify them as simple instruments to be used for knowing the manifestations of God. Each of these thoughts can enter a given mind. That mind can become confused by either thought. But the second thought is a mirror and does not actually create confusion; it instead shows the mind what its present condition is like.  

Personalities like Maharaj could see the hidden meaning/value of people as well. Swami Satprakashananda himself did not have the self-confidence that he was fit for monastic life, and yet Maharaj believed in his future success if Harish took that path. Maharaj made encouraging remarks to Harish as if he already knew the great monk, Swami Satprakashananda. He said to come here often, you won't be a loser. Later, Maharaj told Harish to continue practicing the way he had been doing. Harish had never told him anything about his spiritual practices... Could Maharaj tell by a keen eye for character, divine insight, or something else?   

To be continued....

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