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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Keeping Score

By Dr. Tilak Verma

Evening Vedanta class at the Vedanta Society of Providence was about to begin, and Chuck (not his real name) asked if I might give him a ride home later.

I said yes, quite readily, perhaps eagerly. Because I am keeping score.

Chuck is a perfect student of Vedanta. He takes copious notes and has already filled some 800 pages. He extracts a notebook and pen from a bag and starts writing, single space, and by the end of class has filled several more pages. He makes thoughtful comments and asks probing questions. 

Another thing he is known for are his ear-splitting sneezes that can rouse you out of reveries, drifting mind, or slumber, and yet have enough energy left to shatter a window. On the drive home, he gives precise directions, which include helpful pointers and alerts on traffic signs and lights and locations of pedestrians, etc.

Decades earlier, I recall being in a similar situation--that of needing a ride.